The Dance



Casey: The Niners lose a tough one to the Cowboys, 26-17. This is Casey McCall reporting from Texas Stadium. Back to you in the studio.

The scene comes in focus and you see Casey taking his ear piece off and handing his microphone off to an assistant.

October, 1993

Casey and the rest of his crew are walking off the field, when something catches Casey's eye.

Casey: I'll catch up with you guys in a bit.

Casey breaks from the group and heads toward the corner of the end zone. He is walking toward someone. He picks up his pace and then starts jogging. The person he is running toward is Dana.

When he reaches her, Casey gives Dana a big hug.

Dana: How are you, Casey?

Casey: Oh, are you a sight for sore eyes. Let me look at you. (takes a step back) Beautiful as ever.

Dana: Thanks, Casey. You look great. How's Lisa and the baby?

Casey: Great. Charlie's two now.

Dana: Wow. He's two years old already.

Casey: Yup. (pauses) Hey, what brings you out here?

Dana: I'm no longer in L.A.

Casey: What?

Dana: I'm the executive producer of "Lone Star Tonight" for Lone Star Sports.

Casey: Congratulations.

Dana: Thank you.

Casey: It's just so good to see you again.

Casey gives Dana another hug.

Dana: I'm thrilled to see you too, Case. But this isn't the only reason why I came out here.

Casey: You mean there has to be another reason?

Dana blushes.

Dana: No, Casey. I also came out here to ask you something.

Casey: What's that?

Dana: I want you to come work with me.

Casey: That's not a question.

Dana: I know. I was hoping I wouldn't have to ask.

Casey: Lone Star Sports.

Dana: I know we're only a cable network serving Texas, but you will be able to host your own show.

Casey: Hosting a show... sounds interesting.

Dana: We just started putting together a crew. We go live in about three weeks.

Casey: I have to talk to Lisa about this.

Dana: Casey, let me tell you this up front. I can't give you the type of money an award-winning journalist like yourself deserves. I'm asking you because I know you will do an unbelievable job.

Casey: Lisa can get a job if she needs to.

Dana: Casey, don't tell me-

Casey: Big D here I come.

Dana: Oooohhhh!!!

Dana jumps in the air and then gives Casey a big hug.

Dana: Thank you, thank you, thank you Casey!

Casey: Thank you, Dana.

"...Dana. ...Dana.

The scene goes dark.

"...Dana. Dana. ...Thank you Dana."

The scene comes back into focus with Casey walking off the set and Dana following him from behind.

November, 1993

Dana: We'll just go with substitutes until we can find a permanent replacement for Skip.

Casey: He quits after the first night.

Dana: I know.

Casey: What is it with other networks trying to pull people from this network?

Dana: So Skip is going with SportsChannel.

Casey: You'd think they'd let us be here and leave us alone.

Dana: We'll get over it, Casey.

Casey: But instead, they make you an offer. An offer so tempting that you have to take it.

Dana: I'm sorry, Casey. You seem to be really upset over this.

Casey focuses back on Dana.

Casey: Oh I'm not upset with you, Dana. Skip and I never had that chemistry to begin with.

Dana: It takes time to build chemistry.

Casey turns around, and Dana runs right into him.

Dana: Ooo. Sorry.

Casey: Could I make a suggestion, Dana?

Dana: Sure.

Casey: I have a friend I've known for five years. He's currently working up at a station in Chicago. He's never hosted a sports report but I think I can help him fit in. He's a pretty good writer, too. I could give him a call. I bet I could get him here in less than a week. Actually, you should give him a call.

Dana: Let's both give him a call. What's his name?

Casey: Dan Rydell.

"...Dan Rydell. ...Dan Rydell.

The scene goes dark.

"...Dan Rydell. ...for Dan Rydell. ...And for Dan Rydell, I'm Casey McCall. Good Night."

The scene comes back into focus and you see Dan and Casey getting up from their anchor desk at Lone Star Sports. Dana comes running onto the set.

Dana: Could I have everyone's attention, please?

April, 1996

Everyone stops what they are doing and focus on Dana.

Dana: I understand there have been a lot of rumors circulating about our network and the possibility of being bought out or taken over. I just want to let everyone know that we have been purchased.

Dan: By who?

Dana: Continental Corp.

Casey: What network are they? I've never heard of them.

Dana: They are starting up a new sports network.

The crew members start grumbling and addressing their own concerns.

Dana: Hold on a second! Thank you. Continental Corp is creating a national network by purchasing many regional networks. We are still going to be here. We're just going to be working under a different name. We're still going to be showing regional sports. We'll have some national games and a national show, but we're all still going to be here.

The mood on the set improves because everyone is feeling secure in their jobs.

Casey and Dan walk over to Dana.

Dana: We're not still going to be here.

Casey: What?

Dan: I thought you said-

Dana: I know what I said. Continental Corp also wants to have a national sports report. Lone Star Sports is the largest regional network they have purchased.

Dan: So they want us to do it.

Dana: They want us to do it.

Casey: But not here.

Dana: They're making a studio in New York.

All three stand quietly for a moment.

Dana: I can't produce a show for a national audience.

Dan: What's the difference?

Dana: The difference is that it's a national audience.

Casey: So if we screw up-

Dana: The damage will not be limited to just one state. Mass destruction will be nationwide.

Dan: I doubt national security is at stake with our show.

Dana: That's what you believe?

Casey: Listen. I'm sure they want to bring in people who know what they are doing. That includes us and other people. They're not going to put us in a position to fail. They've spent a lot of money to start up this network, and they are not going to let it fall by the waste side.

Dan: It's wayside.

Casey: Wayside?

Dan: Yeah. Fall by the wayside.

Dana: Dan's right.

Casey: Anyway. We're moving up. We're going to New York to work for the new company. It's a new opportunity for us. Everything's going to be all right.

"...all right. ...all right.

The scene goes dark.

"...all right? ...everything all right? ...Is everything all right?"

The scene comes back into focus and you find yourself back in the CSC studio. Dana and Casey are on the set, and they are still dressed up from the awards ceremony earlier in the evening.

Dana: You want to know if everything is all right?

Casey: Yeah.

Casey walks over and puts his arm around Dana.

Dana: No.

Dana buries her head into Casey's chest.

Casey: What is it?

Dana: It's... Kevin.

Casey slowly rubs Dana's arms.

Dana: We've grown apart. He doesn't want me. I... don't ... want him.

Casey: It's okay.

Dana pulls her head away and wipes the tears from her cheeks.

Dana: Casey?

Casey: Yeah?

Dana: I can't wait.

Casey: For what?

Dana: You.

Casey: Huh?

Dana: This is it right here, right now. I've known you for seventeen years, and I've loved you for seventeen years. I told Jeremy earlier today that everything was going to change after tonight. I didn't realize it was going to change this much.

Casey: What?

Dana starts to cry once again.

Dana: I'm not going to wait any longer. I've always felt like I've been secondary in your life. Whenever things start going the way you didn't plan, you come to me for comfort. You come to me for stabilization. I can't live like this because you are always going to come back to me the way you are now. Casey, I know you love me tonight, but I want to know if you loved me yesterday, and most importantly... will you love me tomorrow? Casey, make a decision. Be with me. Be with me, Casey. Or let's go our separate ways. Look me in the eyes and tell me you will love me tomorrow, and you will love me after that... Look me in the eyes.(whispering) Tell me you will love me tomorrow.

Casey holds Dana and looks into her eyes...

"I loved you yesterday, I love you today, and I will love you tomorrow."

Sports Night