During the height of Sports Night's popularity, there were hundreds of websites dedicated to the series, characters, writers, and cast members. While some websites haven't seen activity or been updated in years, there are some that are going strong to this day.
The websites listed are broken down into the following categories:
WARNING: some websites may contain objectional material |
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| Television Without Pity (type "Sports Night" in the Search Box) |  | | URL: www.televisionwithoutpity.com Content: This small section on this large site contains a message board, recaps, recaplets, and weecaps of the entire series. |
Internet Movie Database: Sports Night |  | | URL: us.imdb.com/Title?0165961 Content: Listing of credits and details pertaining to the series. |
TV.com: Sports Night |  | | URL: www.tv.com/sports-night/show/1614/summary.html Content: This portion of the TV.com site has episode summaries, reviews, news, and other info. |
TVRage.com: Sports Night |  | | URL: www.tvrage.com/shows/id-5309/ Content: This portion of the TVRage.com site has episode summaries, character info, and other info. |
epguides.com: Sports Night |  | | URL: www.epguides.com/SportsNight/ Content: Series episode summaries. |
TV Guide: Sports Night |  | | URL: www.tvguide.com/tvshows/sports-night/100405 Content: Information and TV Guide news on the series. |
TKTV: Sports Night |  | | URL: sportsnight.tktv.net/index.html Content: This portion of the TKTV.net site has episode summaries, links, news, and other info. Last updated in 2006. |
Starpulse: Sports Night |  | | URL: www.starpulse.com/Television/Sports_Night/ Content: The section of Starpulse contains an episode guide and cast listings. |
Jump the Shark: Sports Night |  | | URL: www.jumptheshark.com/topic/Sports-Night/Sports-Night-General-Comments/1850 Content: Rate when the series "jumped the shark." |
Tim's TV Showcase: Sports Night |  | | URL: www.timstvshowcase.com/spnight.html Content: The section of this site has cast listings and links, including sites selling Sports Night merchandise. |
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| University of CSC |  | | URL: www.geocities.com/snfanatic4/UoCSC1.html Content: Featuring "Sports Night Vocabulary," quotes, pictures, and fan-fiction (including the "Sports Night Season 3 Project") |
Graecia13's Sports Night | | | URL: members.aol.com/Graecia13/sportsnight.html Content: Unique site consisting of articles, cast and character listings, original scripts, transcripts, and other multimedia. Last updated in late 2000. |
Casey Loves Dana Land |  | | URL: sary-t.tripod.com/sports.html Content: Features a 10-question quiz, character descriptions and quotes, fan-fiction, and other writings. |
My Humble Sports Night Abode |  | | URL: www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Stage/3242/SportsNightAbode.html Content: Features quotes from the series, random thoughts and opinions, and personal artwork. |
SPORTS-NIGHT.ORG |  | | URL: www.sports-night.org Content: Some cast and character descriptions, some image captures, and more. |
Sparky's and Sandy's Place: Sports Night |  | | URL: sparky.i989.net/sn.htm Content: Quotes, mostly from conversations with Dan and Rebecca. |
LBJM's Sports Night |  | | URL: marina.fortunecity.com/salmon/190/indexsn.html Content: Character listings, pictures, and partial episode guide. |
Rich's Television City | | | URL: www.angelfire.com/ny2/televisioncity/ Content: Summary, pics, and quotes from the series. |
Sports Night Homepage | | | URL: members.aol.com/oasisriver/sportsnight Content: Page has pictures and episode guide from Season One. |
Mister D's Sports Night Blog | | | URL: sportsnight.blogspot.com Content: Blog on Sports Night. Last entry was in 2004. |
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